Tag: Jason Carr

Paddle Boarding Time

Paddle Boarding Time

Finished painting of a Arne paddle boarding in the ocean.  A gift commissioned from gf Andrea for their anniversary.   12″x 24″, acrylic on canvas.  I did splash a little iridescent glitter-action in there so it, kinda’ shimmers in the light… you know, being the water n’ all…  finished with glossing varnish.

Cow, Pig, Chicken Revisited: Pt. 1: Chicken

Cow, Pig, Chicken Revisited: Pt. 1: Chicken

  So I have this series of paintings, “Cow, Pig, Chicken,” that I was compelled to recreate in collage form, of all things.  I was never quite satisfied with the end-result of the previous work (as I hardly ever am), but I thought I could do something about this.  Others have revisited their subject matter…

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Happy Autumn Y’all! ;-D

Happy Autumn Y’all! ;-D

Festive autumn stained glass window effect.  Ironed some crayon shavings between wax paper, & presto!  Check it out.  Sandwich that between some black construction paper, whose negative space is cut out to look like a leaf, & bam!  Enjoy that.  Suction cup that to a window, & tadaow!  Get delighted!